Sunday, August 7, 2011

What have i done?

What have I done?  Is this a midlife crisis?  Should I talk to the doctor about some happy pills?  These are only a few thoughts I had as I press "complete registration".  I signed up to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  I haven't run in almost a year and the fartherest I have every run is maybe 6 miles.  What on earth would make me think 13.1 was a good idea?  I don't have the answer.  All I know is, I'm in it now. 
If you know me even just a little, you know that I don't quit and I always give it 100%.  So with that being said, I have downloaded a training schedule, read reviews on the best running shoes, subscribed to running newsletters, found (convince) several friends to do this with me, all that's left is to strap on the shoes and go for a run.  How hard could that be?


  1. You are awesome! Go, Nicol, go!!!

  2. You can do it. I do EXACTLY what you are doing...try to outdo myself each week. In a few weeks try doing sprints at the end of short runs, they improve my pace a ton! Still not 100% I will be there in Feb, but since I am doing a half in November, I promise to decide by then!
