Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body.  This tendon connects the heel bone to the calf muscle.  If you tear this tendon, it is usually surgery and definitely months of recovery.
Several weeks ago while running, my calf really hurt.  I thought it was my muscle just stretching out, it was my age, or it was my body adjusting.  I didn't really think too much about it and I did not stop running.  The pain got worse and worse.  After running I would be in a lot of pain and then would limp for days after. 
If you know me you know I am a very, very hard headed person.  I have a twisted way of looking at things.  I do not admit when I am in pain, I do not ask for help, and I do not let you see me hurting.  I decided not to post about this because, in my twisted mind, it was admitting weakness.  I consulted doctors (google) and found out that this is a real condition.  There are a lot of runners that have experienced this.  It is known as Achilles tendinitis.  It can result in tearing your Achilles tendon.  The cure for this is --- not running.  You have to rest and take it easy. Darin found out about it and asked me if I was going to quit...silly man!
I did run shorter distances and only ran every other day.  I took some over the counter medicine and try some other things the doctors (google) suggested.  The pain persisted and I did not know what to do.
I don't have an answer for my twisted ways.  I signed up for this marathon so I would feel proud of something I had done.  I don't want to tell anyone about my leg because they may think I'm weak or making excuses.  I don't want to go to the doctor because she may tell me to stop running.  I have a huge problem asking for help in any way, even prayer.  It isn't because I don't trust God, I just don't want to bother Him with my little problems.  I don't want to bother him with my leg when others are facing life threatening diseases.  I know, I told you I'm twisted.
Last week in prayer time at school I asked for prayer for my leg.  Before you get all excited thinking I'm coming around, hear HOW I asked for prayer.  "I have a little stupid prayer request, it's not that big a deal, I have this stupid little dumb pain in my stupid leg when I run." My friends and co workers laughed and corrected me.  They said what I already knew.  There are no stupid prayers.
I continued to run, short distances every few days.  The pain should have been getting worse, but instead it was actually going away.  There are folks that will say, it "worked itself out", but I know that God answered the prayers of my friends and me. 
I wish I could snap my fingers and change.  It's not that simple.  I am working on it.  I may be running a half marathon on the road, but I am running a lifetime marathon in my mind.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running with my best friend

Running over the past days has been pretty good.  I was able to run my 1.5 embarrassment in 12:44.  Still defiantly not where I want to be, but at least I would wave if I saw someone I knew instead of hide in the bushes til they passed. 
We came to visit my aunt and uncle in Tampa for the week.  I brought all my running stuff so I didn't give myself any excuses.  (Remember, I need ALL 29 weeks!) The first day I was here, I bailed.  I intended to run, but after the drive and blah, blah, excuse, excuse, I didn't.  Sooooo, Tuesday I knew I had to not only run, but increase my distance.  Really 1.5 miles?  That's not even really a warm up for a half marathon.  I know I need to train slowly, but I don't do slowly very well.  I jump in with both feet, even if I break them on the landing.  I tied my shoes and set out for a run.  I have no idea how far I'm going because I haven't done the mileage for a course.  I judged my distance by songs on my player.  I got back to the house feeling pretty good, but worried I didn't go very far.  My time was 18:22.  I prayed out loud that it wasn't 1.5 miles.  I was preparing my excuses, the heat, the sun was in my eyes, there was a rock in my shoe...but the I saw how far I had run.  I had run 2.3 miles.  That still isn't far but I was proud of my time.
So today, I needed to run at least 3 miles.  I decided to map out a course before hand.    I tied my shoes and headed out.  I was enjoying the music and looking at all the beautiful homes.  The heat was pretty bad but every now and then there was a breeze.  The run started getting pretty difficult and there was a part of me that was about to walk when my best friend showed up. 
You can call me crazy, but you'll have to wait in a long line.  When I run God talks to me.  He is my biggest cheerleader when I am my worst enemy.  I so wanted to stop, when He said, "You can do this because I am here running with you."  I got chill bumps in 100 degree weather.  Tears came to my eyes and a smile on my face. 
The voices in my head that were dreaming up excuses to stop and telling me I couldn't do it were quiet.  They were gone.  Before you think "it was probably endorphins", I know it wasn't.  I have ran my whole life.  I know what that feels like.  This was not endorphins.  Compare endorphins to eating a tic tac when your hungry.  That is the best way I can describe it. 
Today I ran over 3 miles.  I have no idea my time.  I forgot to stop my watch because I was enjoying my company.  My body is tired but my spirit could fly. 
I look forward to my runs now more than ever because I get to run with my best friend!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Training day 1

Yesterday was day 1 of training or back in the game.  I hug the kids and husband goodbye, explaining "I'm going out for a run".  They all wish me luck.  I get my music playing and start a brisk walk.  I am feeling good.  I'm jamming out with the music.  All is good.  I want to know what my minute time is, so I press the stop watch on my watch and start to run.  I know I shouldn't over do it, so my pace is pretty slow.   I am a few minutes in now and getting pretty winded.  My knees are hurting and my legs are feeling that they weigh about 100 pds each.  This is my old "short run" course.  "Wow", I thought,  I am really out of shape.  I press on and look at my watch, 7 minutes have passed.  Back in the day I ran a 6 minute mile.  Now I haven't completed a half mile in 7 minutes.  I look behind me to see if I'm pulling a wagon with children in it only to realize it's just my butt! 
I finished the run.  Total of 1.5 miles.  My time was 16.44 minutes.  I was overwhelmed.  I have registered for a half marathon. I can't run 2 miles, how will I run 13.1?
I am 20 pounds heavier, several years older, but my determination is the same.  I will run again today and set a goal of 16 minutes.  I realize that is a long mile to most runners, but it's better than yesterday.  That's my goal, to always do better than yesterday! 
So if you want to follow me on this journey I welcome your support.  I will be honest about everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.  My grammar is horrible and  punctuation worse, but I'll try and make you laugh, (with me not at me). 
I have 29 weeks to train.  Looks like I will need all 29! 

What have i done?

What have I done?  Is this a midlife crisis?  Should I talk to the doctor about some happy pills?  These are only a few thoughts I had as I press "complete registration".  I signed up to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  I haven't run in almost a year and the fartherest I have every run is maybe 6 miles.  What on earth would make me think 13.1 was a good idea?  I don't have the answer.  All I know is, I'm in it now. 
If you know me even just a little, you know that I don't quit and I always give it 100%.  So with that being said, I have downloaded a training schedule, read reviews on the best running shoes, subscribed to running newsletters, found (convince) several friends to do this with me, all that's left is to strap on the shoes and go for a run.  How hard could that be?